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Hastings DWI Lawyer & Criminal Defense Attorney

Police officers can be very aggressive when it comes to making arrests for criminal charges in Hastings. This is especially true in DWI cases. Not only will arresting people for DWI and criminal charges help them in getting noticed for promotions, but they also bring in money for the County. This aggressiveness can lead to your rights being violated. They can get away with this, especially in the DWI context, as they know that a lot of people just go in and plead guilty right away. However, that is the last thing that you should do.

If you are charged with a Hastings DWI, or are in need of a Hastings Criminal Defense Attorney, contact Cody Wright today. Growing up in Hastings, Cody knows the community, and has worked in their court system for nearly a decade. Let him use that experience for your benefit.

Who Is Cody

Cody was born and raised in Hastings. He knows, and deeply cares about the community. That is why he chooses to be a Hastings DWI and criminal defense attorney. While crime is never good, Cody realizes that oftentimes good people make mistakes. This does not mean, however, that those people deserve harsh punishment, or that their rights are any less important than anyone else’s. Cody will work to get the best outcome in your case, leaving no stone unturned along the way.

What Comes Next

If you or a loved one is charged with a Hastings DWI, or are in need of a Hastings criminal defense attorney, call Cody Wright today to set up your free and confidential consultation. Cody will sit down with you, try to ease your anxiety, and let you know what the best path forward is.

Contact Us Today

Cody Wright is an experienced criminal defense attorney that is ready to help you today.