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What You Need to Know About Expungement

If you’re one of the millions of Americans with a criminal record, you may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to clear your name and start fresh. The good news is, there is something you can do; expunge your record. Here are some things you need to know about expungement.

What is Expungement 

Expungement is a process that can seal certain records of one’s criminal activity, allowing them to move past their mistakes and start over with a clean slate. Typically, only minor crimes and offenses can be expunged, however the legal requirements differ from state to state. Having a record expunged is an invaluable asset for job hunting, housing searches, and even educational opportunities will be much easier without a criminal record. In some cases, individuals may not even be legally required to disclose their criminal history if it has been expunged. The process of obtaining an expungement varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but an attorney or even consulting legal aid may greatly help in navigating the necessary steps.

How to Get Your Record Expunged 

Getting your record expunged can be a difficult process, but it can also be one of the most important steps you can take in terms of restoring your life and future prospects. While laws vary from state to state, understanding what type of records are eligible for expungement and how to go about getting them removed from public access is essential for anyone seeking to restore their personal history. Generally speaking, the process involves identifying all relevant court documents and working with the appropriate authorities to submit a request for expungement. Depending on the result of this request, you may need to sign certain forms or submit additional information to finalize the process. Using an experienced lawyer can make expungement a quicker and smoother process. Taking these steps and making sure that all paperwork is in order can go a long way toward ensuring that your record won’t be accessible to potential employers, landlords or educational institutions.

The Benefits of Expungement 

The process of expungement can be incredibly beneficial for individuals who have been convicted of misdemeanors and other criminal offenses. Expungement is the legal process whereby a person’s arrest, charge or conviction is sealed or otherwise removed from public view. For those whose criminal records have held them back from educational opportunities, professional positions and more, this process offers an opportunity to move forward with life, free of several potential hindrances that can hold people back because of their wrongful past activities. Many states provide either free or low-cost assistance in filing for expungement so seeking help should not be an issue when considering this life-changing process.

What Happens After Your Record is Expunged 

After a criminal record is expunged, the individual is relieved of many issues that can come along with having a criminal history. Having a criminal record expunged means that individuals do not need to disclose their past charges or convictions for certain activities, such as job applications and housing forms. Furthermore, those who have successfully had their records expunged are typically allowed to deny their convictions in most circumstances where truthfulness might be required by law. Although expungement does not erase all evidence of a criminal record, it is still incredibly beneficial and gives individuals a chance to start over in life with clean slate.

If you have a criminal record that is holding you back from achieving your goals, it might be time to investigate the process of expungement. Expunging a criminal record can greatly improve your job outlook and even open up opportunities for renting an apartment or similar scenarios. The good news is that the process is relatively straightforward with the right help. Many people choose to work with an experienced lawyer who is familiar with the expungement process; these legal professionals can make sure everything is completed accurately and efficiently throughout the duration of the case. If you are considering starting the expungement process, then hiring a lawyer may very well be an important step on the path towards a better future.

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